Starting The Remote Simple Installation
Okay now we have either a bootable floppy disk or a bootable CD-R which contains the installation program.
You should also remember to have your computer connected on-line unless the OpenBSD sets are located locally. This connection will be configured during the installation process in order to do a remote install.
Boot your computer up using the install floppy or CD-R.
The screen below starts after the boot process and shows the start of the installation program, red text is user input:
root on rd0a swap on rd0b dump on rd0b
erase ^?, werase ^W, kill ^U, intr ^C, status ^T
Welcome to the OpenBSD/i386 4.6 installation program.
(I)nstall, (U)pgrade or (S)hell? i
At any prompt except password prompts you can escape to a shell by
typing '!'. Default answers are shown in []'s and are selected by
pressing RETURN. You can exit this program at any time by pressing
Control-C, but this can leave your system in an inconsistent state.
Terminal type: [vt220]
System hostname? (short form, e.g. 'foo') home
Available network interfaces are: fxp0 vlan0.
Which one do you wish to configure? (or 'done') [fxp0]
IPv4 address for fxp0? (or 'dhcp' or 'none') [dhcp]
Issuing hostname-associated DHCP request for fxp0.
DHCPDISCOVER on fxp0 to port 67 interval 1
DHCPOFFER from (08:00:20:94:0b:c8)
DHCPREQUEST on fxp0 to port 67
DHCPACK from (08:00:20:94:0b:c8)
bound to -- renewal in 43200 seconds.
IPv6 address for fxp0? (or 'rtsol' or 'none') [none]
Available network interfaces are: fxp0 vlan0.
Which one do you wish to configure? (or 'done') [done]
Using DNS domainname in.nickh.org
Using DNS nameservers at
Do you want to do any manual network configuration? [no]
Password for root account? (will not echo) PaSsWoRd
Password for root account? (again) PaSsWoRd
Start sshd(8) by default? [yes]
Start ntpd(8) by default? [no] y
NTP server? (hostname or 'default') [default]
Do you expect to run the X Window System? [yes]
Do you want the X Window System to be started by xdm(1)? [no] y
Change the default console to com0? [no]
Setup a user? (enter a lower-case loginname, or 'no') [no]
What timezone are you in? ('?' for list) [Canada/Mountain] EST5EDT
Available disks are: wd0.
Which one is the root disk? (or 'done') [wd0]
Disk: wd0 geometry: 4998/255/63 [80293248 Sectors]
Offset: 0 Signature: 0xAA55
Starting Ending LBA Info:
#: id C H S - C H S [ start: size ]
0: 06 0 1 1 - 521 254 63 [ 63: 8385867 ] DOS > 32MB
1: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [ 0: 0 ] unused
2: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [ 0: 0 ] unused
3: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [ 0: 0 ] unused
Use (W)hole disk or (E)dit the MBR? [whole]
Setting OpenBSD MBR partition to whole wd0...done.
Setting OpenBSD MBR partition to whole wd0...done.
The auto-allocated layout for wd0 is:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg]
a: 1024.0M 63 4.2BSD 2048 16384 1 # /
b: 127.2M 2097215 swap
c: 39205.7M 0 unused
d: 2729.1M 2357679 4.2BSD 2048 16384 1 # /tmp
e: 4223.2M 7946823 4.2BSD 2048 16384 1 # /var
f: 1252.3M 16595895 4.2BSD 2048 16384 1 # /usr
g: 1024.0M 19160541 4.2BSD 2048 16384 1 # /usr/X11R6
h: 3678.7M 21257693 4.2BSD 2048 16384 1 # /usr/local
i: 2002.4M 28791612 4.2BSD 2048 16384 1 # /usr/src
j: 2002.4M 32892533 4.2BSD 2048 16384 1 # /usr/obj
k: 21142.3M 36993454 4.2BSD 2048 16384 1 # /home
Use (A)uto layout, (E)dit auto layout, or create (C)ustom layout? [a]
/dev/rwd0a: 1024.0MB in 2097152 sectors of 512 bytes
6 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
/dev/rwd0k: 21142.3MB in 43299416 sectors of 512 bytes
105 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
/dev/rwd0d: 2729.1MB in 5589144 sectors of 512 bytes
14 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
/dev/rwd0f: 1252.3MB in 2564644 sectors of 512 bytes
7 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
/dev/rwd0g: 1024.0MB in 2097152 sectors of 512 bytes
6 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
/dev/rwd0h: 3678.7MB in 7533916 sectors of 512 bytes
19 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
/dev/rwd0j: 2002.4MB in 4100920 sectors of 512 bytes
10 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
/dev/rwd0i: 2002.4MB in 4100920 sectors of 512 bytes
10 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
/dev/rwd0e: 4223.2MB in 8649072 sectors of 512 bytes
21 cylinder groups of 202.47MB, 12958 blocks, 25984 inodes each
/dev/wd0a on /mnt type ffs (rw, asynchronous, local)
/dev/wd0k on /mnt/home type ffs (rw, asynchronous, local, nodev, nosuid)
/dev/wd0d on /mnt/tmp type ffs (rw, asynchronous, local, nodev, nosuid)
/dev/wd0f on /mnt/usr type ffs (rw, asynchronous, local, nodev)
/dev/wd0g on /mnt/usr/X11R6 type ffs (rw, asynchronous, local, nodev)
/dev/wd0h on /mnt/usr/local type ffs (rw, asynchronous, local, nodev)
/dev/wd0j on /mnt/usr/obj type ffs (rw, asynchronous, local, nodev, nosuid)
/dev/wd0i on /mnt/usr/src type ffs (rw, asynchronous, local, nodev, nosuid)
/dev/wd0e on /mnt/var type ffs (rw, asynchronous, local, nodev, nosuid
Location of sets? (cd disk ftp http or 'done') [ftp]
HTTP/FTP proxy URL? (e.g. 'http://proxy:8080', or 'none') [none]
Server? (hostname, list#, 'done' or '?') [mirror.example.org] obsd.cec.mtu.edu
Server directory? [pub/OpenBSD/4.6/i386]
Login? [anonymous]
Select sets by entering a set name, a file name pattern or 'all'. De-select
sets by prepending a '-' to the set name, file name pattern or 'all'. Selected
sets are labelled '[X]'.
[X] bsd [X] etc46.tgz [X] game46.tgz [X] xfont46.tgz
[X] bsd.rd [X] misc46.tgz [X] xbase46.tgz [X] xserv46.tgz
[ ] bsd.mp [X] comp46.tgz [X] xetc46.tgz
[X] base46.tgz [X] man46.tgz [X] xshare46.tgz
Set name(s)? (or 'abort' or 'done') [done]
bsd 100% |*************************************| 7063 KB 00:04
bsd.rd 100% |*************************************| 5913 KB 00:03
base46.tgz 100% |*************************************| 47315 KB 01:46
etc46.tgz 100% |*************************************| 503 KB 00:01
misc46.tgz 100% |*************************************| 2867 KB 00:06
comp46.tgz 100% |*************************************| 88555 KB 03:08
man46.tgz 100% |*************************************| 8047 KB 00:21
game46.tgz 100% |*************************************| 2558 KB 00:04
xbase46.tgz 100% |*************************************| 10160 KB 00:21
xetc46.tgz 100% |*************************************| 69166 00:00
xshare46.tgz 100% |*************************************| 2861 KB 00:12
xfont46.tgz 100% |*************************************| 34745 KB 00:57
xserv46.tgz 100% |*************************************| 19789 KB 00:39
Location of sets? (cd disk ftp http or 'done') [done]
Saving configuration files...done.
Generating initial host.random file...done.
Making all device nodes...done.
CONGRATULATIONS! Your OpenBSD install has been successfully completed!
To boot the new system, enter 'reboot' at the command prompt.
When you login to your new system the first time, please read your mail
using the 'mail' command.
# halt
syncing disks... done
The operating system has halted.
Please press any key to reboot.
Remove the bootable floppy disk or bootable CD-R, then reboot. Have fun and enjoy.
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